Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Fourth Option

The Wasp Sting has previously explored options around Obama’s “leadership” and the agenda of the American Left. Unfortunately, as more and more events unfurl, The Wasp Sting has become more and more cynical. There is a Fourth Option related to what the American Left wants and in the context of the recent downgrading and complete debacle around our debt that this option is looking more and more a reality. The Fourth Option?

American liberal elites want to destroy America as we know it.

First, let us define “America.” Not a simple task but we will try to get to the brass tacks. St John de Crevecoeur in Letters from an American Farmer (1782) defines an American as being any person who:

"Americans are the western pilgrims who are carrying along with them that great mass of arts, sciences, vigour, and industry....The American is a new man, who acts upon new principles; he must therefore entertain new ideas and form new opinions. From involuntary idleness, servile dependence, penury, and useless labour, he has passed to toils of a very different nature, rewarded by ample subsistence."

So to summarize and perhaps over-simplify, America is a nation of industry, principles, and open-mindedness. To prove the premise correct, TWS will call out specific cases where Obama is attacking our industrious, free-market capabilities, weakening and cheapening our principles, and is attempting to squash political debate by race-baiting and creating class warfare.


Perhaps the single best example of the current war on business is the NLRB - National Labor Relations Board – war against Boeing. Among the countless cases the anti-business NLRB has lodged against corporations, the Boeing South Carolina case is the most widely known and perhaps among the most egregious. The NLRB has created a real world Atlas Shrugged scenario.

In a dispute over having more portions of the Dreamliner built in Washington vs South Carolina, Boeing in good faith started negotiations with International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. Talks broke down over union demands, including the demand to have a board position and a promise that Boeing would build all future planes in Washington. Boeing, being responsible to their shareholders and following their rights as a business, made a decision to take this opportunity to the pro-business folks of South Carolina.

Over 1000 jobs can be created in South Carolina and the boom to the local economy is project to be over $2 billion. This could be delayed years, all the while Boeing is trying to compete against EU’s Airbus, who continues to gain market share. (

The EPA, countless czars, the inability to work with natural gas and oil producers could employ thousands. Not to mention the current corporate tax structure, the highest in the developed world (


As previously discussed by TWS (What do you want), the principles of a long-term welfare state continue to cheapen self-worth and drive down individual morality. The TWS loves John Stossel’s analysis ( and of what has happened with American Indians over their history. It is a great study because it takes a subset of American citizenry that has been completely nannied and has its own welfare infrastructure in the Department of Interior, over twenty different programs supporting American Indians and almost all Indian tribes are completely and wholly wards of the state.

What he found is, not surprisingly, highest poverty rate, the highest unemployment (only 25% are employed in some reservations!), drug abuse, alcoholism are well documented among American Indians.

Is this the picture of the America Crevecoeur wrote about? Does extending this welfare-state across the landscape of country extend the virtues of America or extinguish them? It’s clear.


As a president who was elected for hope and change, who promised to be a different kind of politician, who wanted to be the most transparent executive in our history, he has done the exact opposite. We all carried with us a pride that America had healed itself racially enough to have whites and blacks join together to elect this man with so much promise. And that, no question about it, is an amazing thing we should be proud of.

However, who can argue we are even more polarized, further apart, and worse off socially due to the complete vitriol on the far left – and far right. The radical lunge left has spawned a backlash in the Tea Party. The foundations for the Tea Party were created before Obama, and Bush’s liberal fiscal policies were partly to blame. But Obama knew he was elected to lead a center-right country. He had a choice. He could lead as Bill Clinton had done or as Jimmy Carter had done. He could be America’s President or George Soro’s puppet. He could falsely interpret the election as a mandate and our country asking to be turned socialist or correctly interpret it as real hope for a toned down DC.

He continues down his path at his own peril – and the peril of this great land. His language is nothing but consistently laden with anti-rich, anti-wealth and blaming them for the ills that currently beset our nation. His constant call for shared-sacrifice is code for punishing the “haves” because of their ill-gotten gains vs instilling a work ethic in the “have-nots.”

Each of these decisions and Obama’s direct “leadership” on the same – and many more – has proven he is willfully, purposefully, and as intentionally as possible driving this great country towards destruction. He wants and desires more than anything else to destroy America and will do anything to make that happen.

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