I've been polling my anti-American friends lately to see what kind of vision of America they want. Since the principles of our Founders', the values they so carefully documented, and ideals they cherished are incongruent with the agenda of the left, what exactly is the Anti-American Dream for a socialist? So far, I don't have any more a clue than I had when I started, but that won't keep me from addressing it here!
So what do we know?
- We know tax and spend doesn't work. We know no economy has ever taxed itself into prosperity. Socialistic economics fails and there is no modern economy based on it, or at least the modern interpretation of it. Keynesian Economics' foundations are suspect as well.
- The implementation of Keynesian Economics relies on responsible central planning which requires "value judgments" void of individual or group self-interest.
- False premise as the DC "swamp rot" associated with lobbying, earmarks, and outright self-interest drives decision-making, not the good of the whole.
- This is also in conflict with unconstitutional campaign finance reform. Such limits to curb control are violations of freedom of speech and association and as has been determined in the court system.
- False premise as the DC "swamp rot" associated with lobbying, earmarks, and outright self-interest drives decision-making, not the good of the whole.
- The second requirement for success in implementing a Keynesian economic structure is the theory that government is capable of improving on the free market. In practically the "government," as defined here, is not We The People rather the bureaucracies associated with implementing and enforcing policy.
- Anyone who's mailed a letter, filed their taxes, driven on a highway, or has been through airport security knows this is dramatically false. The government itself is removed from the equation of shareholder value.
- As far as improving on the free market, we could give countless examples of outsourcing and privatizing, which almost universally have been met with lower costs and greater efficiencies.
- Anyone who's mailed a letter, filed their taxes, driven on a highway, or has been through airport security knows this is dramatically false. The government itself is removed from the equation of shareholder value.
- We know that the programs and spending associated with our current federal government are not supported by the Constitution. Eg, the Department of Education is not in the constitution and a clear violation of states' rights. We know the founders intended a small, almost non-existent federal government, loosely structured to empower free enterprise and protection.
So if you know your economic policies are failed and nothing you currently "believe" is supported by our Constitution, what do you want?! I will issue a few theories.
- Ignorance.
The sound bites associated with liberalism all sound good. Helping people. Saving old people. Safety nets. Social Security. Starting in the 1940s liberals did a much better job of framing the arguments for their cause and appealing to our inner angels to band together and help those less fortunate.
I cannot think of a more disastrous example of the Theory of Unintended Consequences. These consequences are sometimes buried inside an avalanche of social reengineering, leaving enough "positive" results to point to some level of success regardless of the true cause and the accurately defined effect.
If the Federalist Papers point to one clear area of importance it was the fact that without morality laws and a republican form of government are irrelevant. Many in the left lack moral foundation in their personal lives. It is no coincidence the number of agnostics, atheists, subjectivists, human secularists are liberals. The media and Hollywood and the areas they glorify are other examples of the symptoms of a cultural worldview missing any semblance of Judeo-Christendom. Much like the Soviets of the mid-twentieth century, big-government liberals want the State to be their God.
Speaking of Federalist Papers, the history and education of the politic of America has been misrepresented or simply not taught. This leads to further ignorance on the part of some. Trying to explain to a friend that the Department of Education has only existed since 1979 doesn't compute. Well, how did we educate our kids before 1979? How is that possible?!
Finally, many just do not accept the pure math involved in Keynesian and socialist economics. Liberals feel like there should be a balance, the emotional underpinnings of support for these policies, that for the collective good we can all do our part and come together to help those less fortunate. Reagan mentioned the slippery slope. I agree, how you define support or need and how I define support or need only leads to divisiveness.
And tying this back to moral fortitude, if our Churches and Temples and Mosques supported their constituencies as directed by their respective holy scriptures, we wouldn't have needed to have outsourced our benevolence…
- Totalitarianism.
One theory I have heard tossed around recently is the idea of a ruling class that fears loss of power. This class lives in a world not understood by the likes of the proletariat. In an important effort to keep the barbarians at bay they toss out various social programs and agree to tax levels that seem "fair." If you look at our current tax structure, where 47% (more like 51% based on new numbers) pay no taxes whatsoever, thus building in an automatic constituency, it could point to this notion.
Further, while dishing out cash and healthcare and other benefits while not taxing that same group, you rob a people of their independence and self-efficacy. The longer you are lazy, the harder it will be for you to break out of that laziness. And if you are being well cared for, relatively speaking, what is the incentive to break this cycle of co-dependency? Thus, if I am a politician, what better way to get your vote than to give you stuff for free, rob you of your capabilities over time, and then take your liberties while I'm at it?
This theory uses the ignorant previously outlined against themselves and for the totalitarians.
I do not know that even the Wasp is this cynical. People with wealth and even the gentry class of America understands the simple principle of money multiplication. There can be enough money for everyone to be successful; money is not a zero-sum game. A dollar into my pocket does not come out of someone else's pocket, we both get to keep our dollars when the economy grows and we as a nation prosper.
Now some on the left may not understand this policy, based on the way they talk and the ideas they espouse. After all, this theory may have to do more with power than money.
So there may be more merit to this idea than at first blush...
- Punishment.
The whispered undertones from words such as "fairness," "equality," and "rights" is the fact that those that succeed must have stolen, raped or pillaged, therefore deserve punishment for their success. This was the cornerstone of Marx's Manifesto. And from the USSR, the Khmer Rouge, China, through to Cuba the actual reason for these revelations was to take from the haves and give to the have-nots. American leftists may not wear red bandanas, march their doctors into rice fields at the end of an AK-47, but the message in from Sacramento to Madison to Washington is the same: give us your money. The concept of someone actually earning what they have, doing the hard work associated with that windfall, is completely foreign to nanny-state raised adult babies (ABs). See Obama talking to Joe the Plummer on YouTube if you want to have the classic Class Envy video evidence.
Blame is a key motivator in all human interactions. Since Adam blamed "the woman YOU gave me" for his sin when confronted by God in the garden, it's been a constant game of hot-potato to not get caught holding blame. Responsibility, accountability, character, these are all just corporate lingo words now by The Man trying to make the people feel bad about their failings.
So how do you respond now that we have boiled it down to two scenarios: liberals believe what they believe out of ignorance, a blatant desire for control, or simply to punish those that have succeeded by people who have not. I think the answer is simple. Continue to educate the ignorant and not waste time on the totalitarians. Once the ignorant are enlightened they will rebel against their totalitarian masters, rise up and demand the liberties they previously squandered! So keep educating! Keep posting! Keep blogging! Shine light in a world of darkness!
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